Informations about company

Basic data

Grupa Azoty "Fosfory" Sp. z o. o

ul. Kujawska 2 80-550 Gdańsk
REGON: 190572447
NIP: 583-000-16-75
Share capital PLN 59 003 400.00

The company belongs to the Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe Puławy SA capital group with its registered office
in Puławy.

Register of companies:
District Court in Gdańsk
VII Commercial Department
register number: KRS 0000033530

 Piotr Zawistowski
 Roman Wcisło Vice-chairman
 Grzegorz Smoliński
 Grzegorz Rybicki
 Member of the Supervisory Board


Wojciech Dawidziuk
 Chairman of the Board

Joanna Kędzior
Rafał Mnich